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NCC Commits to Combating Digital Violence



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Dr Aminu Maida, Executive Vice Chairman/CEO Nigerian Communications Commission has expressed the commission’s commitment to combating digital violence in the country.

The EVC stated this in his speech at the 2023 World Day for safety of journalists on “Mitigating Increasing Online Violence Against Journalists” organized by Media Centre for Promotion of Safety Awareness held in Lagos.

According to him. “Digital violence takes many forms, from online harassment and cyberbullying to the spread of misinformation and hate speech. It has the potential to cause profound harm, not just to individuals but to society.

“Journalists have the responsibility to shed light on these issues, to uncover the truth, and to hold those who perpetrate digital violence accountable.

“At NCC, our mission has always been to ensure that communication networks in Nigeria are secure, reliable and accessible to all. We understand the importance of privacy in the digital age and are committed to upholding the rights of every Nigerian, hence our regulatory activities are carried out in a way that ensures that citizens are not exposed to online violence, which applies to journalists as well”.

The Commission, he said has taken significant steps in its efforts to combat digital violence. Such as collaborating with the relevant sister agencies to ensure the implementation of extant legislations that protect Nigerians online.

He debunked some misconceptions that the commission tracks phone conversations of Nigerians. “We do not engage in the tracking of phone conversations. Privacy is a fundamental right, and we take it as our responsibility to protect privacy of individuals”.

Some other initiatives he said NCC has implemented to ensure tame digital violence include Child Online Protection. “The internet is an indispensable part of their lives, but it can also expose them to dangers. To address this, the NCC has partnered with various organisations to implement comprehensive child online protection programmes. Through education, awareness campaigns, and collaborations with schools and parents, we aim to create a safer online environment for our young ones,” he noted.

Dr. Maida however reiterated the unwavering commitment of the commission to cyber security. “The Commission set up the Nigerian Communications Commission’s Computer Security Incident Response Team (NCC-CSIRT), which plays a crucial role in addressing cyber threats.

“The CSIRT’s dedicated professionals work tirelessly to identify and mitigate cyber-attacks, ensuring the security of our digital infrastructure. I urge journalists to leverage the regular advisories issued by the team to safeguard themselves in the digital space,” he added.

Acknowledging the challenges in combatting digital violence, he stated that digital landscape is vast and constantly evolving, making it difficult to stay ahead of malicious actors.

“Jurisdiction for policing the space is spread among several agencies, hence the need for collaboration to effectively halt the unwholesome activities of online threat actors. We therefore believe in the power of collaboration to overcome these challenges.

“As a result, we have initiated partnerships with industry stakeholders, government agencies, and civil society organisations to create a united front against digital violence. Together, we are developing strategies, sharing intelligence, and implementing joint initiatives to protect our digital space”.

He stated resolve of the commission to focus on key areas to stem the tide of digital violence through education and awareness. “Education is the first line of defense. We must empower our citizens with the knowledge and tools to stay safe online. The NCC will continue to invest in awareness campaigns and educational programmes.

“A robust legal framework is also essential to hold digital offenders accountable. We are working closely with lawmakers to ensure our laws are equipped to address the ever-evolving challenges of digital violence.

“In addition, empowering our citizens to report digital violence is paramount. We have established channels for reporting and encourage everyone to use them. Let me share a success story- a recent case where a citizen reported a phishing attack to our CSIRT team, leading to the identification and neutralisation of a cybercriminal network,” he said.

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Glo, Airtel Missing as MTN is Named Most Admired African Brand @Brand Africa 100



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MTN Group has been named the most admired African brand in the newly released Brand Africa 100: Best Brands report for 2024. This recognition marks the tenth consecutive year that MTN has held this position. The report highlights MTN’s commitment to “doing good for society, people, and environment” through its Environmental, Social, and Governance efforts.

MTN’s work in various sectors, including education, health, sports, and more, has significantly contributed to the growth of these industries. In Nigeria, the MTN Foundation invested ₦2.5 billion in 2023 across several Corporate Social Investment projects, impacting over 58,000 individuals, 15,000 small businesses, and 65 schools. Over the past 20 years, the MTN Foundation has committed NGN28.2 Billion in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) across Nigeria’s communities.

In sports, MTN has demonstrated its dedication to supporting development, from sponsoring the Super Eagles at AFCON 2023 to investing in grassroots athletics programs like the MTN CHAMPS tournament. Additionally, MTN Nigeria recently became the first technology company in Africa to receive the Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) MOVE certification.

MTN Group President and CEO, Ralph Mupita, expressed appreciation for the recognition, stating, “MTN is committed to meeting our customers’ current and future needs, leveraging digital capabilities for a more sustainable future, and fostering strong partnerships to drive meaningful change. These awards inspire us to keep focused.”

The report also noted that while international brands like Nike, Adidas, Samsung, Coca Cola, and Apple have retained their positions as the top five admired brands for the fifth consecutive year, MTN has solidly maintained its position as one of the most admired African brands for ten consecutive years.

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NCC Directs Telcos to Audit Billings to Address Data Depletion Complaints



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Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) has said that mobile network operators (MNOs) have been directed to audit their billing systems, to address consumer complaints about data depletion.

NCC Directs Telcos to Audit Billings to Address Data Depletion Complaints

The commission made this known in a statement on Friday.

“Quality of experience takes into account all touch points along the consumers’ journey in using telecom services from selection, through onboarding, usage, support and even off-boarding,” NCC said.

“This means that consumers are empowered to make the right network selection, enjoy a seamless onboarding into the network of their choice, enjoy quality service at fair costs, receive responsive customer service and enjoy protected off-boarding where they choose to leave the ntwork.

“To address consumer complaints on data depletion, the commission has directed mobile network operators (MNOs) to conduct an independent audit of their billing systems and is concluding a consultation process to simplify tariff plans.

“These initiatives would provide enhanced transparency to the consumer.”

elsewhere, the NCC said it is committed to tackling industry debt issues more seriously.

The commission said it has also embarked on critical advocacy initiatives to address long-term challenges in the sector, “including advocacy for designating telecom infrastructure as critical national infrastructure, as well as successfully persuading over six states to waive right of way (RoW) fees, even as he initiates discussions with more states”.

NCC said engagement is ongoing with the presidential committee on fiscal policy and tax reforms towards addressing multiple taxation issues in the telecoms sector.


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Nigeria’s Healthtracka, 23 Others selected for Google for Startups Growth Academy Program



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Google for Startups has announced 24 startups selected for the 2024 cohort of the Growth Academy: AI for Health program. The program is designed to support high-potential startups across Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) that are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionise healthcare and medical research.

Among the selected startups are Nigeria’s Healthtracka, Kenya’s Thalia Psychotherapy and TibuHealth, and South Africa’s Zoie Health. These companies exemplify the potential of AI to address pressing healthcare challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa, advancing mental health integration, providing accessible outpatient services, and delivering affordable healthcare to underserved populations.

According to the World Health Organization, more than 116 million  people across Africa were already estimated to be living with mental health conditions pre-pandemic and as things stand, there are fewer than two mental health workers for every 100 000 people. Thalia Psychotherapy’s AI-powered chatbot provides initial assessments and therapy sessions, increasing access to mental health support in a region with a critical shortage of mental health professionals. TibuHealth, on the other hand, delivers affordable outpatient services via “minute clinics” in partner pharmacies in high-density neighbourhoods.

Dorothy Ooko, Head of Communications and Public Affairs, Google, Africa, said: “We are committed to supporting the growth of innovative startups, particularly those that are leveraging AI to address critical healthcare challenges. The Growth Academy: AI for Health program is a testament to this commitment, and we are excited to see the impact these startups will have on the future of healthcare.”

The three-month program will provide participants with intensive training, mentorship, and networking opportunities. Startups will benefit from workshops on best practices for AI, leadership development, responsible innovation, product design, and customer acquisition. Additionally, Google experts from Research, Health, Verily, Fitbit, and DeepMind will offer one-on-one mentorship sessions and technical project support.

Below are the participating startups, representing 13 countries from across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and how they’re using AI models and technology to improve patient care and advance medical research:

  • Aide (United Kingdom) is a digital service that helps patients and clinicians better understand and manage chronic disease, specifically comorbidity.

  • AmplifAI (Saudi Arabia) combines AI driven thermography and computer vision to create a standardised and objective assessment for diabetic foot ulcers.

  • Biorce (Portugal) is developing solutions to enhance clinical trials through the power of AI, having created Jarvis, a clinical AI assistant.

  • C the Signs (United Kingdom) is an AI cancer prediction platform that helps identify patients at risk of cancer at its earliest and most curable stages.

  • Callyope (France) develops speech-based remote patient monitoring solutions that help caretakers assess treatment efficacy and detect relapses in serious mental illnesses such as depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

  • (Netherlands) works to reverse diabetes type 2 by precision nutrition, providing best in class digital therapeutic based on real-time glucometry.

  • Ephion Health (Spain) develops digital biomarkers to ensure accurate disease monitoring and therapy assessment, through wearables data, clinical reports and AI for precise patient assessment.

  • Exakt Health (Germany) is a certified medical app for physiotherapy and evidence-based training with hyper-personalised treatment plans.

  • FiveLives (France) is a digital brain health platform for people aged 50+ to take control of their cognitive health, through combining clinically-validated brain health assessment and an engaging coaching program.

  • Healthtracka (Nigeria) is decentralising access to healthcare in Africa through remote medical diagnostics, connecting users with a seamless way to access at-home lab tests, receive clear results and doctors consultations.

  • HearMe (Poland) supports employees’ mental health through anonymous and secure 1:1 sessions with mental health professionals.

  • Juniver (United Kingdom) delivers on-demand help for eating disorders, with AI-powered interventions for urges, evidence-based education, personalised tools, peer support and telemedicine.

  • Mindgram (Poland) is a platform offering a holistic solution providing employees and their relatives with psychological and self-development support around the clock.

  • Motherbeing (Egypt) is a digital solution dedicated to Arab women’s sexual and reproductive health. The platform connects users with doctors, experts, personalised health education and an AI-powered health assistant.

  • Noah Labs (Germany) develops a voice-based machine learning software for the early detection of decompensated heart failure.

  • Nui (Germany) is an app providing family caregivers with support through an intelligent chatbot that provides guidance to find answers to the most pressing questions.

  • O7 Therapy (Egypt) bridges the treatment gap with cutting-edge tech and top-tier mental health professionals. The O7 Therapy app offers instant, anonymous support via encrypted Chat, Audio and Video Sessions.

  • Powerful Medical (Slovakia) revolutionises cardiovascular diagnostics with its AI-driven platform, enabling healthcare professionals across the EU and beyond to diagnose and manage 39 cardiovascular conditions.

  • Research Grid (United Kingdom) is an automation engine enabling faster, more successful clinical trials by engineering smart software that safely automates back office admin across the full lifecycle.

  • Rofim (France) specialises in developing telemedicine software. The Rofim platform is a telemedicine platform designed to connect patients with healthcare professionals, enable diagnosis and improve access to care.

  • SYCAI Medical (Spain) develops medical device software with the aim of preventing the appearance of cancer in the abdomen non-invasively.

  • Thalia Psychotherapy (Kenya) is a mental health startup focused on integrating mental health services into primary healthcare systems.

  • TibuHealth (Kenya) delivers affordable outpatient services via “minute clinics” in partner pharmacies in high-density neighbourhoods.

  • Zoie Health (South Africa) is a digital health platform focused on providing underserved, high-need populations with affordable, accessible and healthcare.

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