First Bank of Nigeria Plc, Nigeria’s financial powerhouse has upgraded their contact center called FirstContact to an interactive, multilingual and 24/7 customer service center, in line...
Cortado, the leading provider of cloud desktop services, has announced the availability of the new version of its Cortado Corporate Server which combines secure device management...
First Bank of Nigeria Plc (FirstBank) has introduced a card-less Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Transfer service designed to ensure that people without bank accounts or payment...
Google has announced that Google+, its social network launched in 2011 now has more than 250 million users globally. This therefore makes Google+ the fastest growing...
Cisco has announced a set of new solutions and developments which will be ideal for remote workers, in order to make it easier for people to...
First Bank of Nigeria Plc (FirstBank) has concluded plans to migrate its current core banking application, Finacle 7 to a more robust and secure platform, Finacle...
MTN, GT Bank, Kakawa Discount House and Consolidated Hallmark Insurance have been adjudged ‘Best Websites’ in the 2012 by Webjurist independent website assessment, a survey conducted...
The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is to reduce the amount of cash held by banks due to their failure to direct excess money into developing...
Corporate organisations have been urged to create learning to enhance the competitive advantage of both the business and individual employees. Speakers at the July edition of...
Ash Tulsiani is the managing director and chief executive officer of PC PRO (Electronic) Distribution Nigeria Ltd. He spoke to peter ugwu on the company’s vision...