Nigerian CommunicationWeek

Firm Launches Innovative Community Based Platform

Factruse Nigeria limited, a highly innovative and systems integrated technology provider has launched an online community platform where youths and adults alike can engage each other in order to provide solution to community driven problems.

The platform dubbed ‘Zigzag nation’ is a highly interactive cyberspace initiative with its focus primarily on young demographics, between the ages of 15 -35 years, as well as older members of the community.

Obafemi Giwa–Amu, founder of Factruse Nigeria, speaking at the launch event, held on Monday at Sheraton Hotel, said that Zigzag community would serve as an aggregator for commercial oriented persons engaging online and as well as serve as agents to others with commercial endeavor.

He noted that the platform will represent a crisscross of diverse types of people we have in Nigeria, stressing that Zigzag nation will provide members with endless possibilities.

Giwa–Amu added that members of the community would have access to limitless financial inclusion as well as other attendant benefits.

Speaking on the limitless opportunities for the members of the community, Giwa–Amu said, “Eligible persons for full membership are equipped with a starter pack, comprising of a debit card to aid operations of an e-wallet, a call free sim card for easy communication with the Zigzag community.

“Also a Nigerian postal service (NIPOST) locker for warehousing of purchased items would be assigned to members.

“Members would equally have access to a robust e-commerce platform where shopping or international trade is made easy from the comfort of homes, workplaces, schools etc”.

He further explained that Zigzag community is a highly interactive platform and a network of people that would culminate into a nation.

Giwa–Amu added that active members of the community will benefit from a reward system of scaling order, noting that this is the reason they advanced for partnerships with key companies.

He reiterated that members would engage in human capital enhanced activities, learn new skills and create pathways to financial empowerment.

Additional benefits and add ons for members are, free direct calls to other members on Zigzag nation, personal locker or allocated address for receipt of goods and services, substitution of traditional bank accounts, redeemable reward on accrued points and so on.

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