Fans of Halita, who have been following the series since it first premiered in 2019, will enjoy seeing their favourite Rishantes family return to their screen...
Epic drama meets high society intrigue on Africa Magic as the continent’s leading provider of premium and authentic African stories premieres two new telenovelas, ‘Itura’ and...
The first-ever documentary about Big Brother Naija is set to drop this week. The mini-documentary titled BBNaija: the Fame, the Fans, the Frenzy, produced by ID...
Africa Magic in association with MultiChoice have announced the hosts for the eighth edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards, set to hold on May...
Africa Magic, in association with MultiChoice, has announced an eight-day series of events to herald the 8th edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (AMVCAs)...
MultiChoice Nigeria, leading pay television service provider, has reiterated its commitment to the growth of the country’s entertainment industry. The company’s position, made known in Lagos...
As Africa’s film and creative industry continues to experience tremendous growth, MultiChoice, Africa’s most loved storyteller, remains committed to the growth of creatives and filmmakers across...
The first-ever documentary about Big Brother Naija is set to drop this November. The mini-documentary titled, BBNaija: ‘The Fame, the Fans, the Frenzy’, produced by ID...
Imagine not having shows to binge watch with family and friends, the fight for the remote controls and all the family time you can spend together....
Fans of Africa Magic’s hit drama series, Riona and Enakhe, will on Friday, 24 September 2021 watch the season finale of both series after 260 episodes....