National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) appears ready to tackle headlong the long standing issue of competition within the Nigerian TV market. The Commission recently invited an international...
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) on Monday released the list of broadcasting stations that contravened the provisions of the Nigeria Broadcasting code from the beginning of electioneering...
Mr. Emeka Mba, Director General of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) paid a working visit to the corporate head office of Computer Warehouse Group Plc (CWG)...
National Broadcasting Commission (NBC), on Monday, said it would not relent in sanctioning broadcast stations that used inflammatory materials in their political broadcasts. Emeka Mba, director-general...
Mark Ojiah, director of Spectrum Administration, National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) has said the agency sanctioned 35 broadcast stations for violation of the Nigerian broadcasting code during...
National Broadcasting Commission of Nigeria (NBC) said it would inaugurate its digitisation campaign in Jos on June 5. Alhaji Awwalu Salihu, head, Public Affairs of the...