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Imperative of Upholding Nigeria’s Telecoms Lifeline  



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By Ikemesit Effiong    

It is neither profound nor insightful to state that Nigeria is living through a near-unprecedented cost-of-living crisis.

Imperative of Upholding Nigeria's Telecoms Lifeline  

Aminu Maida, executive vice chairman, NCC

Core inflation touched 33.2% in March with food inflation now an eye-watering 40% – the highest in post-1999 democratic Nigerian history.

It may sound a bit apocalyptic but we are heading towards our all-time high of 47.6% recorded in January 1996.

We have already burst past March 1996’s reading of 31.7%. In a note on future inflationary trends in Nigeria, Aaron O’Neill at Statista made two salient points: our inflation has been higher than the African average for more than a decade now and a significant decrease is unlikely for quite some time.

The International Monetary Fund’s expectation that annual inflation this year will average out at 22.96% is increasingly looking a tad too optimistic.

The bigger challenge though, in his view, is our inflation’s unsteadiness. Food inflation is now at levels not seen since August 2005.

Plantain prices have increased by 129%, rice by 98%, onion prices by 97%, bread by 71% and beans by 64% – between January 2023 and January 2024 alone according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

An inflation rate that is all over the place is usually a sign of an economy that is huffing and puffing, causing prices to fluctuate, and unemployment and poverty to increase.

Nigeria’s economy – a mixed economy where state participation in economic life is higher than most free-market economies – is not entirely in bad shape.

More than half of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is generated by the services sector – chiefly telecommunications and finances, typically a feature of advanced economies.

Notwithstanding, the private sector is teetering.

The Financial Times reports that Nigerian Breweries (NB), which is part-owned by Heineken, has increased prices three times this year.

“So dire is the economic distress in Africa’s most populous nation that the brewer’s chief executive, Hans Essaadi, complained on an investor call that “customers can no longer afford Goldberg, a cheap and well-loved lager,” the London-based publication highlighted this as illustrative of the travails of some of the country’s biggest corporates.

Fixed foreign currency-denominated costs, import restrictions, uncertain policy-setting, a weak Naira and insecurity in many operating areas have forced most like NB to raise prices; some like Procter & Gamble to quit manufacturing in-country or others like GSK and Bayer to contract third parties to distribute their products.

There is one sector, however, that has seen little action in this direction.

The Imperative of Telecom Tariff Revision

At the nexus of connectivity and commerce, the telecommunications industry in Nigeria plays a dual role: as an economic engine and a societal enabler.

The sector’s investment profile in the country stood at $75.6 billion as of 2021, according to the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC). Nigeria’s 221.7 million active voice subscriptions and 160.2 million data subscriptions now support a substantial 14% of GDP.

The country’s rising teledensity is such a critical linchpin for economic growth and infrastructural development that any disruptions exact a heavy price.

A 2021 SBM Intelligence survey found that 53% of respondents were “very” negatively impacted by an NCC-mandated shutdown of telecom services in the North-West due to regional security operations.

Moreover, the sector stands as a significant employer, empowering millions of Nigerians with opportunities for livelihood and advancement.

As such, the industry’s health is not merely a matter of corporate profit margins but a national imperative intertwined with the fabric of its progress.

Central to the sustenance of any industry is a conducive economic environment that allows for sustainable growth and innovation.

However, the existing regulatory framework, which shackles tariff adjustments, undermines this fundamental principle.

While other sectors have adeptly responded to economic fluctuations by revising prices, the telecom industry remains bound by regulatory constraints, impeding its ability to adapt to changing market dynamics.

A Perfect Storm: Challenges Hinder Growth      

While Nigeria’s four Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) relentlessly strive for service excellence through consistent network upgrades, their efforts are stymied by environmental and infrastructural obstacles.

Frequent fibre optic cable cuts due to road construction and vandalism; multiple taxation, coupled with the ever-present challenge of acquiring rights-of-way including charges related thereto, act as significant impediments.

These issues, further compounded by exploitative rent-seeking practices, have long plagued the industry, defying resolution despite concerted efforts.

These challenges are not lost on key stakeholders like the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), the Ministry of Communication, Innovation & Digital Economy, and a well-informed consortium of governmental and media entities.

MNOs have proactively engaged through media platforms, highlighting these issues and advocating for urgent government intervention.

The industry’s push for Critical Infrastructure Protection for ICT/Telecommunications and the reduction of exorbitant right-of-way (RoW) charges exemplify this proactive approach. Katsina, Nasarawa and Zamfara now lead the country in eliminating RoW charges but much of the country remains an operational nightmare for MNOs.

The Unsustainable Squeeze: Rising Costs, Stagnant Tariffs                         

Despite the advent of GSM technology 23 years ago, a disquieting public perception persists – that of consistently poor Quality of Service (QoS).

While this perception may have elements of truth, it’s crucial to recognise the mitigating factors beyond the control of the operators.

Economic hardship has led to an exponential increase in the cost of all consumer goods and services, with a glaring exception: telecommunication services.

The reason? Price regulation by the NCC.

This price stagnation stands in stark contrast to the reality faced by MNOs.

The industry is heavily reliant on foreign exchange (FX) for crucial equipment and services.

Most telecommunication equipment are imported with the absence of local alternatives as there are primarily four to five core manufacturers of telecommunications equipment and none is situated in Nigeria, or even Africa.

The depreciation of the Naira has significantly inflated operational costs, further straining already tight profit margins. It is unsustainable to expect ever-increasing network investments in the face of frozen tariffs.

The Current State of Play            

Nigeria’s approach to setting tariffs in the telecommunications sector has evolved through a combination of regulatory frameworks, market dynamics, and economic considerations.

During the industry’s transformation in the early 2000s with the issuance of licenses to private operators, tariff regulation was crucial in ensuring consumer protection and promoting fair competition.

The NCC implemented tariff guidelines to prevent anti-competitive practices and safeguard consumers from excessive charges. Tariff regulation also aimed to balance the interests of consumers with the need for MNOs to generate revenue for network expansion and improvement.

For an industry in its infancy striving to offer Nigerians access to new forms of technology and communications, it was necessary to guide pricing to enhance market adoption.

Competition added extra pressure on prices, a wealth of choices ultimately benefiting the consumer. Through it all, the margins were sufficient to incentivise operators to carry out the most extensive investment rollout in Nigerian history.

The market is more mature now and the booming economy of the 2000s is a fading memory.

Mobile phone, and broadband penetration are now at over 100 and 40% respectively, while the entire country is practically covered by 3G and 2G.

The digital economy with the immense success of content creators, e-commerce, software education, financial inclusion, cross-border freelancing and social connectedness has been built on the back of the telecom industry’s investment priorities.

The cost of providing existing services, the competitiveness required to sustain the continued rollout of 4G and eventually 5G technology and wider market dynamics have meant the current tariff structure is less a cushion for customers and more a shackle for operators.

The Path Forward: Rethinking Tariffs                    

In advocating for tariff revision, it is imperative to contextualise the industry’s plight within the broader narrative of economic sustainability and national progress.

Urgent measures must be taken to safeguard an industry that serves as a catalyst for economic growth and societal empowerment.

Tariff revision is not merely a corporate prerogative but a strategic imperative essential for the industry’s survival and a calculated investment in Nigeria’s future.

The additional revenue generated will directly translate into network infrastructure upgrades and modernisation. This translates to tangible benefits for all stakeholders.

A conducive regulatory environment is important in fostering the telecom industry’s resilience and vitality. Responsible government policies that prioritise infrastructure protection and investment incentives are indispensable in fortifying the industry’s foundations. Moreover, enhancing the operating environment for telecoms is not only in the national interest but also a catalyst for attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) essential for sustainable growth.

Many may argue that reviewing tariffs at a time of stagnant wages, decreasing investments and rising prices is unreasonable but ensuring the long-term viability of a critical industry requires a collaborative effort. Regulators need to consider a data-driven and transparent tariff review that reflects the economic realities faced by the sector.

Aminu Maida, the NCC’s Executive Vice-Chairman rightly told the Nigerian Information Technology Reporters Association (NITRA) in February that customers expect excellent quality of service and operators will be held accountable for poor service delivery. Indeed, customers deserve the best possible service, and operators, going by the billions of dollars in present and future investment commitments, appear dedicated to delivering it.

A sustainable and well-regulated telecoms sector is the cornerstone of achieving this shared vision. It starts with rethinking how much operators are allowed to charge their clients.

Effiong is a legal practitioner, Partner and Head of Research at  and Chairman of the Technology Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law.



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Glo 1 Reaches 8-year Milestone of Continuous Connectivity



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Glo 1, the international submarine cable wholly owned and operated by digital and telecom services company, Globacom, has marked eight years of uninterrupted connectivity, from 2016 to date.

Throughout this period, it has maintained an excellent record  in the provision of internet access for both customers in Nigeria and across Africa. It lived up to expectations in March, this year during the widespread internet disruptions as result of cuts to other submarine cables in Nigeria and West Africa.

Glo 1 was functioning all through, providing normal operations to financial institutions, internet service providers, and data consumers.

The resilience of the facility has been attributed to its robust construction and durability by industry experts.

To further enhance its capabilities, Globacom has upgraded the Glo 1 submarine fiber cable infrastructure, optimizing its utilization and service delivery, leading to provision of direct, low-latency connectivity to London and ensuring ultra-fast and reliable internet access.

The upgrade further complements Globacom’s continuous network expansions and upgrades, targeted at ensuring customers’ unique calling and browsing experiences.

Reiterating the capacity of Glo 1 to provide tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of various clients across different sectors of the economy, including oil and gas, manufacturers, government institutions, educational establishments, and medical facilities, Globacom explained that the cable supports key applications such as teleconferencing, distance learning, disaster recovery, and telemedicine, benefitting communities across Africa.

Globacom has sole ownership of the entire Glo 1 infrastructure, spanning access systems, national fiber-optic backbone, international gateways, international cable networks, and data center services. The comprehensive ownership enables Globacom to offer Glo 1 clients a unique advantage through last-mile and domestic long-haul services, as well as wide presence and fiber-optic networks.

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Airtel Africa’s Revenue Drops 16%, Records $7M Net Profit in Q1 of 2025



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Airtel Africa has reported a consolidated net profit of $ 7 million for the first quarter of its 2025 financial year ending June 2024 against a $ 170 million loss in the year-ago period.

Its net profit was primarily impacted by the $ 80 million of exceptional derivative and foreign exchange losses (net of tax) and lower Ebitda due to significant currency devaluation across key markets, Airtel Africa said.

It had reported a loss of $ 91 million for the fourth quarter ended March 2024 on account of tax impact and forex loss.

“Strong fundamentals and focussed execution continue to support operating performance despite challenging macro-economic environment,” the company, which operates in 14 African countries, said.

The company’s consolidated revenue fell 16 per cent in Q1 FY25 to $ 1,156 million from $ 1,377 million a year ago.

The decline in revenue reflects the impact of currency devaluation, particularly in Nigeria, the company said.

“We have initiated a comprehensive cost optimisation programme across the Group. We have already seen success in this project, with savings arising in network and distribution costs, and continued opportunities as contract renegotiations continue. We expect sustainable savings to continue as the year progresses,” said Airtel Africa CEO Sunil Taldar.

Airtel Africa has fully repaid the outstanding debt due at the HoldCo during Q1, he said, adding that the company is trying to further reduce foreign currency exposure to limit the impact of currency devaluation on the business.

“The growth opportunity across our markets remains compelling, and we continue to focus on margin improvement as indicated in our FY24 results,” Taldar said.

The company’s Ebitda margins tanked to 45.3 per cent from 49.5 per cent in the year-ago period.

“Reported currency trends were clearly impacted by the FX headwinds across some of our markets, particularly in Nigeria and Malawi. This contributed to a reported Group revenue and Ebitda decline of 16.1 per cent and 23.3 per cent, respectively, in Q125,” the company said.

Its total customer base grew by 8.6 per cent to 155.4 million.

“Data customer penetration continues to rise, driving a 13.4 per cent increase in data customers to 64.4 million. Data usage per customer increased by 25.1 per cent to 6.2 GBs, with smartphone penetration increasing 4.7 per cent to reach 41.7 per cent,” the company said.

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ITU Ranks Nigeria High in Digital Transformation Readiness



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A new report of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has ranked Nigeria very high at 71 per cent, in comparative legal, policy and governance frameworks towards G5 – advanced state of readiness for digital transformation known as G5 with Germany, Finland and Singapore leading the global chart.

In the report conducted by the ITU, the United Kingdom’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), and unveiled by Nigeria’s Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, Dr. Bosun Tijani in Abuja on Monday, Nigeria was ranked among Africa’s top seven BEMECS 5G Readiness Index, which represents the country’s readiness to deploy and adopt mass-market 5G networks.

Titled, Collaborative Regulation: Accelerating Nigeria’s Digital Transformation, and presented at the Digital Economy Complex, Mbora, Abuja by ITU’s Kagwira Nkonge, the report, among other things, presented a case study for ‘collaborative regulation review to assess and support Nigeria’s transition towards collaborative digital governance, evidence-based policy making and agile regulation in the digital economy”.

The report, which was presented to a cross section of key industry stakeholders including service providers, government agencies, representatives of multilateral institutions, West Africa Telecommunications Regulators Assembly (WATRA), Africa Telecommunications Union (ATU), among others, was also designed to complement existing cross-country benchmarks in which features of countries policy and regulatory environment are assessed.

The features of countries policy and regulatory environment are assessed according to the pillars of the Generations of Regulation frameworks which tracks telecom regulatory maturity towards digital transformation readiness, designated at G5 Advanced State of Readiness”, and for which Nigeria currently stands at G4.

Advanced State of Readiness is benchmarked against four critical levels of accomplishments which include national collaborative governance, policy design principles, digital development toolbox, digital economic policy agenda, with Nigeria scoring 91 per cent in regulatory capacity; 82 per cent in Market Rules; 81 per cent.

For further inquiries: Director Public Affairs Department, Nigerian Communications Commission Plot 423 Aguiyi-Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja email: [email protected] Tel: +234-90204617325, +234-8051110337 in Collaborative Governance; 76 per cent in Legal Instruments for ICT/Telecom markets; 69 per cent in National Digital Agenda Policy, among other benchmarks.

Dr. Tijani, in his remarks at the event, commended the ITU and partner agencies and consultants that actualised the report; and expressed Federal Government’s commitment “to utilise this report as a navigational aid towards attainment of our regulatory objectives and policies outlines towards achieving a robust digital

“That is what we will continue to do as a government, ensuring that we can put ourselves in a place to have cutting-edge modern regulations in place to ensure that business is done properly in our sector and to ensure that, where possible, increase the local content of the sector as well,” he said.

Dr. Tijani noted that NCC has adapted over the years in response to how its role and mandate have changed. He explained, “Fifteen, twenty years ago, NCC was just regulating the telecommunications sector, today, NCC regulates the foundation for which any economy would be prosperous.”

The Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigerian Communications Commission, Dr. Aminu Maida, who hosted the presentation, welcomed the indicators that promote effective regulation, attraction of greater investment, and development of innovative models for broader digital inclusion.

He emphasised that collaborative regulation would support Nigeria’s transition towards effective digital governance, evidence-based policy making and agile regulation in the nation’s digital economy.

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