Ms. Funke Opeke, chief executive officer, Main One Company and Harry ’Tomi Davies (TD) shall be leading other speakers at the 4th Edition of Education Network Conference -EduNet 2014 which begins on Monday.
EduNet 2014 is to be hosted by the ICT Centre and the Institute for Entrepreneurship Development Studies of Obafemi Awolowo University in Partnership with Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Centre (StarTAU), Israel.
The theme of this year’s event scheduled for May 20-22, 2014 is: “Fostering Technology Entrepreneurship in Nigerian Universities”
The three day event will look at issues around building Technology Entrepreneurship Ecosystem within the Nigerian University Community with key examples from the Israel Technology and Innovation Ecosystem.
“We are happy to host this year’s EduNet Conference at the ICT Centre of the University,the idea of fostering Technology Entrepreneurship in Nigeria is key to economic development of the country. That is why our centre will be playing key roles in the conference” Prof Adeshola Aderounmu, director ICT centre of ObafemiAwolowo University, said.
Oren Simanian, founder, Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Centre and his team from Israel will lead discussions on How Nigeria can create Technology Entrepreneurship Ecosystem with lessons from Israel (Start-up Nation).
“Our Entrepreneurship development centre in Tel Aviv University has contributed greatly to the development of the entrepreneurship and the Startup ecosystem in TelAviv,Israel and so we are happy to partner with Nigerian Institutions to help share ideas and develop the ecosystem in Nigeria bearing in mind the triangle of innovation around the world is held together by the cooperative endeavor of the Government, the academic community, and the Technology Industry.We see EduNet 2014 as a great platform to start off such discussions” Simanian, said.
“This year, having seen the need for Nigerian universities to lead in the development of technology entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the 4th edition of EduNet conference now has a new task hence the focus this year is on building Technology Entrepreneurship/incubation centres to foster entrepreneurship in Nigeria.
“In other to start off discussions around the building of these tech centres in Nigerian Universities, EduNet 2014 (hosted by the ICT centre and the Institute for Entrepreneurship Development studies of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife)will provide the platform for discussions with the Government, ICT directors of Nigerian Universities, Regulatory authorities of the Nigerian Universities, Funding/partnering organizations and the Technology industry in Nigeria in collaboration with Tel Aviv University Entrepreneurship Centre (StarTAU) Israel and the Israel Startup Network,” Kenneth Omeruo, coordinator, EduNet 2014 added.
Presentations and Panel discussions will be focused on the following: Accessing the state of Technology Entrepreneurship in Nigerian universities with a view of proffering strategies and solutions for Technnovation in Nigeria; Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: The Israeli ”Start Up Nation” story; The role of government in fostering Technology Entrepreneurship in Nigerian Universities; Private sector support in Building Technology Entrepreneurship Centres in Nigeria and the World Bank as a strategic partner in Entrepreneurship Development.
Others are funding as key to the success of Technology Entrepreneurship; the concept of Technology Incubation and acceleration as major ingredient in growing entrepreneurship; how to create an Entrepreneurial University; tech transfer and commercialization: Tel Aviv University case studies; developing partnership and collaboration as key to the success of Entrepreneurship; success stories of leading Technology Entrepreneurs in Nigeria and start Up Nigeria: From the Pitch to Turning Ideas into profitable Ventures: What does it take.
Other speakers expected at the conference are Oren Simanian, founder and chief executive officer at Tel Aviv University; Prof .Adesola Aderounmu, a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife; Professor Francis Adesina is a professor of Geography; Dr.Olatunde Adekola senior education specialist in the Africa Regional Department of the World Bank based at the Nigeria Country Office, Christopher Pruijsen, co-founded several youth enterprise programmes in the UK and abroad, among others.