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9mobile Holds Maiden Capacity Building Session for Journalists



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As part of its initiatives and ongoing strategic programmes for media engagement, 9mobile held a capacity-building session to equip journalists with the requisite skills knowledge needed to boost their reporting and adapt effectively to the dynamic media landscape.

The training session, which was held virtually via Zoom in observance of prescribed measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, was facilitated by multiple award-winning and two-time Emmy nominee investigative journalist and Regional Editor (West Africa), The Conversation Africa, Adejuwon Soyinka.

Speaking on the theme “Online Content Optimization – engaging millennial and Gen-Z audiences with storytelling,” Adejuwon remarked that disruption in news media creates better opportunities for journalists to leverage and tell good stories that connect with new audiences.

According to him, Content optimization entails making sure that stories are written and produced in a relatable way and can reach the largest possible target audience, in this case, the Millennials and the Gen-Z.

“Telling a good and captivating story means finding and verifying important or interesting information and then presenting it in a way that engages the audience. The fact remains that attention span is decreasing by the day.

In 2000, a study by Microsoft measuring how long people can focus on one thing for a specific amount of time showed that the average person’s attention span was 12 seconds and has further dropped since that study was carried out.

The question then is, how do we tell our stories in such a way that it grabs the attention of readers of the new age?” he queried.

“But beyond this also, there is the question of how the journalist can match stories with the right and complimentary platforms. The truth is that there are certain kind of stories meant for specific platforms, and this is where multimedia storytelling comes to play. By incorporating various types of media, you are creating a story that readers can engage with and possibly share,” he explained.

The Executive Director, Regulatory and Corporate Affairs, 9mobile, Abdulrahman Ado, represented by the Public Relations Lead, 9mobile, Chineze Amanfo, emphasized that 9mobile is committed to advancing the growth of the media profession in Nigeria.

“9mobile will continue to provide robust platforms for journalists to upskill their profession to discharge their duties effectively. Given the level of experience of our resource person for this session, we strongly believe that there will be value for everyone to take away.

On the choice of the seminar theme, Ado remarked further, “Young people are critical to the 9mobile brand because we are not only a youthful brand, but we are equally positioned as the network of choice for young people, and we will continue to prioritize the youth in our decisions.”

While commending the telco for the initiative, Goddie Ofose of 789Marketing, one of the participants of the training session, stated that the capacity building session is a welcome development and an eye-opener to the incredible opportunities that digital disruption presents.

He said, “For me, this is timely and responsive. As journalists, we need to do more in terms of our reporting and presentation to today’s new crop of readers. I would appreciate if this is sustained.”

He further noted that he and his colleagues are now better informed on how best to leverage good storytelling techniques to churn out compelling news stories that are educative, informative, and engaging.

The training session was widely attended by journalists across print and online news platforms.

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Court Strikes out Tax Evasion Charges against Gambaryan, Nadeem Binance Executive



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Justice Emeka Nwite of the Federal High Court has discharged Binance executives, Tigran Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla, from the tax evasion allegations levelled against them by the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS).

The court discharged the executives following a fresh set of amended charges filed by the FIRS after Binance appointed a Nigerian representative named Ayodele Omotilewa.

The FIRS had initially filed legal proceedings against Binance, Gambaryan, and Nadeem on March 22, 2024, alleging tax evasion. The amended lawsuit claimed that Binance and Gambaryan failed to collect and remit various taxes as stipulated by law.

During the proceedings, Binance’s legal counsel informed the court about the appointment of its Nigerian representative, which led to the FIRS discontinuing the case against Gambaryan and Nadeem.

The fresh charge against Binance accused the platform of offering services to Nigerians without deducting necessary Value Added Taxes (VAT), among other tax-related offences.

There was a debate in court regarding whether the Binance representative should enter the dock and take a plea on behalf of the corporation. The defence argued that Nigerian law doesn’t mandate such a procedure for corporate representatives.

Ultimately, the judge struck out the previous charges and names of Gambaryan and Nadeem from the case, directing it to proceed with Binance alone.

The court adjourned to July 12th for a plea and instructed both parties to submit written addresses on the issue of the representative’s presence in the dock.

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Tanimu Yakubu Replaces Akabueze as DG Of Budget Office



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President Bola Tinubu has approved the appointment of Mr. Tanimu Yakubu as the Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation, following the expiration of the tenure of Mr. Ben Akabueze.

 Ben Akabueze, former Lagos State Commissioner for Economic and Budget Planning

This was disclosed in a statement signed by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, on Thursday.

Yabuku is an accomplished economist and was Chief Economic Adviser to a former President from 2007 to 2010; Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria from 2003 to 2007, and Commissioner of Finance, Budget, and Economic Planning in Katsina State from 1999 to 2003.

The new Director-General of the Budget Office of the Federation holds a Master of Business Administration degree in Finance from Wagner College, Staten Island, New York, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from the same institution.

The statement noted that President Tinubu thanked the outgoing Director-General, Mr. Akabueze, for his services and wished him success in his future endeavours.

“The President expects the new Director-General of this pivotal agency to further enhance the provision of efficient and qualitative budget functions, with a view to promoting fiscal sustainability, transparency, and accountability in public finance management for national development,” it added.

Mr Akabueze was first appointed by former President Muhammadu Buhari as a Special Adviser Planning (SAP) to the President on February 15, 2016, and later redeployed and appointed as DG Budget, June 10, 2016.

Buhari renewed Akabueze’s appointment as the DG of Budget Office in 2020.

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Plane Crash: APRA Commiserates with PR Society, Government and Citizens of Malawi



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African Public Relations Association (APRA) has expressed heartfelt condolences to the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM, an institutional member of APRA), the government and citizens of the Republic of Malawi over the tragic plane crash that claimed the lives of the Vice President of Malawi, H.E. Dr. Saulos Chilima, and nine others on June 10, 2024.

In a condolence letter dated June 11, 2024, and addressed to Benson Linje, the President of PRSM, the continental association described the incident as a “huge loss, not only to the people of Malawi but also to the African continent.”

The letter reads: “We write to express our profound shock and sadness at the tragic plane crash that caused the death of H.E. Dr. Saulos Chilima, the Vice President of Malawi, and nine others on Monday, June 10, 2024. On behalf of the African Public Relations Association (APRA), we extend our heartfelt condolences to you, our colleagues in the Public Relations Society of Malawi, and the great people of Malawi”.

The letter also states, “As always and especially this time of national mourning, we stand in solidarity with the people of Malawi. We share in the pain and the grief at tending this huge loss, not only to the people of Malawi but to the African continent.”

“The Council and all members (institutional, corporate and individual) of APRA offer heartfelt sympathies and will continue to remember the great people of Malawi in our entreaties.”

APRA, in the letter, prayed that the cherished memories of the departed would bring strength and that the support of friends, colleagues, compatriots, other pan-Africanists and lovers around the world will help to bring PRSM and the people of Malawi comfort on the tragic incident.

APRA also prayed that the families, friends, and loved ones of the deceased find strength and be comforted over this tragedy.

“Please rest assured that, as we mourn the passing of these distinguished personalities and individuals, we also celebrate their lives and contributions to the Republic of Malawi and our dear continent. May their souls rest in peace,” the letter closes.

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