Organization and inclusion are the main priorities of the #NCSEnugu2014 Local Organizing Committee (LOC) as preparations are firmed up for the event.
LOC is making significant headway towards the hosting of the 25th National Conference of the Nigeria Computer Society (NCS), which is held Nike Lake Resort, Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria from July 23 through 25, 2014.
NCS conferences are the largest annual gathering of IT professionals and stakeholders in Nigeria.
Behind every NCS conference is the National Conferences Committee, the National Secretariat and a dedicated LOC.
Led by Dadson Jon Nwakalo FNCS, CEO, DCS International Ltd., (the Knowledge Engineers), the #NCSEnugu2014 LOC has been actively pushing the conference agenda and its challenging theme, “Building a Knowledge-Based Economy in Nigeria: The Role of IT” within Enugu state and neighboring states.
As expected, the LOC has been liaising with the National Conferences Committee in planning on the ground logistics, funding, registration promotion, volunteer recruitment, local publicity and media coverage, accommodation assistance, as well as local transportation.
The LOC has placed a premium on organizations to effectively handle the various scenarios and activities.
Organization is geared toward mobilizing resources, stakeholders and sponsorship in the region for the conference, where, Inclusion is also an LOC priority – all stakeholders must come on board.
This is reflected through the composition of the LOC which consists of local contacts and volunteers who are members from surrounding educational institutions, government agencies, private firms and related organizations such as the Nigerian Association of Computer Science Students (NACOSS), ICT Dealers and Operator’s Association (ICTDOA).
By prioritizing organization and inclusion, activities of the #NCSEnugu2014 Conference LOC have been well coordinated and directed, as shown during recent visits with NCS President and NCS National executives to critical stakeholders in Enugu state.
In addition to the LOC Chairman, other LOC members that participated in the visits include Arc Udeani, Dr Modester Ezema, Engr. Mrs Ngwu.N., Agu Nneka, Dr. Chinwuko, Dr. Okoronkwo M. C., Onyia ThankGod, Nnanyelugo Nwoye, Arinze Nduanya and Chijioke Ozooffordu.
Highly commendable is the inspiring and infectious LOC commitment especially in encouraging participation by IT practitioners and organizations from the region.
#NCSEnugu2014 is gathering momentum all fronts and already LOC’s unprecedented mobilization of stakeholders has resulted in great interest locally.
The conference provides a great opportunity to showcase IT investments and activities in Enugu state and the entire region.
In preparing for a massive turn out for the conference, the LOC is leaving no stone unturned. Creating unforgettable conference experiences is the worthy goal.
It’s about benefit for all – attendees, presenters, NCS, Enugu state, neighboring states, the whole of Nigeria and the global IT community.
NCS holds the annual conference to focus on IT as being truly a vehicle for the accelerated development of the Nigerian economy and society.
The LOC appears committed to playing its role in making #NCSEnugu2014 the best NCS conference so far. Emphasis on organization and inclusion placed by the LOC is certainly not misplaced. May their efforts bear good fruit! Wishing NCS, Enugu state, neighboring region and the entire IT community a most fulfilling and memorable conference!
Jide Awe, chairman, Publicity, Events and Trade Services Committee of the Nigeria Computer Society