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Econet Partners Ericsson to Modernize Network Infrastructure



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Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has strengthened its partnership with Ericsson at Mobile World Congress 2023, Barcelona, Spain as it prepares for 5G expansion by modernizing its Radio Access Network (RAN) and mobile Core network across Harare, Zimbabwe.

Through upgrades in its mobile Core and RAN solutions, Ericsson will help accelerate Econet’s digital transformation journey. The network upgrade will pave the way for Econet to deliver 5G connectivity in more locations, unlocking advanced consumer and enterprise use cases.

As part of the mobile Core evolution, Ericsson will modernize the existing Evolved Packet Core (EPC) network to cloud-native dual-mode 5G Core, as well as upgrade the Unified Data Management (UDM) solution.

The scope of the agreement with Econet also includes Ericsson’s cloud infrastructure solutions, the Circuit Switch Core modernization and the introduction of IP Multimedia System (IMS) for Voice over LTE (VoLTE) and Voice over WiFi (VoWiFi).

Modernizing Econet’s network infrastructure will enable a wide range of services to subscribers, including high-definition VoLTE and applications that require low latency and improved responsiveness.

High-speed internet will be enabled through 4G and 5G radio access networks, coupled to the modernized packet core network. Along with enhancing user experience, Econet will also benefit from increased network coverage and capacity.

The network modernization will include Econet’s existing 2G, 3G and LTE networks, with Ericsson’s latest 5G multi-band, multi-sector radios – such as Radio 4466 – which offers capacity expansion, energy efficiency and an average of 15 percent reduction in tower load. Through the partnership, Econet will realize greater LTE indoor penetration and continue its seamless deployment of 5G, Narrowband-Internet of Things (NB-IoT) and private networks.

Mr Roy Chimanikire, Deputy CEO at Econet Wireless Zimbabwe says: “Econet Wireless Zimbabwe is on a mission to realize an advanced 5G ecosystem in the country. Our latest partnership with Ericsson brings us closer to realizing this ambition with 5G expansions in more locations.

Powering several digital technologies, 5G will play a pivotal role in realizing many of the goals outlined in the Smart Zimbabwe 2030 agenda, notably in smart industrialization. Working alongside Ericsson, we aspire to build a high-performing 5G network that will not only deliver high connectivity but also support industrial and societal advancements in Zimbabwe.”

Todd Ashton, Vice President and Head of Ericsson South and East Africa at Ericsson Middle East and Africa, says: “We have enjoyed a close and productive partnership with Econet for more than two decades, and we remain committed to supporting them in strengthening their network infrastructure as Zimbabwe lays out ambitious digital plans.

“Our solutions will provide Econet with incredible speeds and mobility and introduce next-generation connectivity services seamlessly. It will also accelerate the introduction of new 5G use cases that will support the nation’s digitalization momentum and assert its position in the growing digital economy.”

Early last year, Ericsson partnered with Econet to launch 5G across Harare, Zimbabwe. The modernization of Econet’s network infrastructure through Ericsson’s enhanced Radio Access Network (RAN) portfolio and core portfolio will complement the digital infrastructure goals of the Smart Zimbabwe 2030 agenda and bring Econet closer to attaining 5G market leadership in the country.


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NITDA, NYSC Launch Initiative to Boost Digital Literacy



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In a significant move to implement its Strategic Roadmap and Action Plan (SRAP 2.0) pillar of “Foster Digital Literacy and Cultivate Talents,” the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports Development and the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), has launched a comprehensive initiative to enhance digital literacy across the nation.

L-R: Director General, NITDA, Kashifu Inuwa, CCIE, received a complimentary plaque from the DG, NYSC, Brig Gen, Y.D. Ahmed during a courtesy visit to the NYSC Headquarters.

The strategic partnership which was formalised at the NYSC Secretariat in Abuja, seeks to bridge the digital divide and empower the next generation to thrive in an increasingly digital world, aligns with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s Renewed Hope Agenda to reform the economy and deliver sustained inclusive growth by leveraging digital literacy and cultivating a pool of tech talent.

The initiative will focus on providing practical training in key areas such as software development, data analytics, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. It aims to reach 30 millions of Nigerian youths, including NYSC members, with the goal of equipping them with skills necessary for the digital economy by 2027.

Speaking on the importance of digital literacy, the Director General of NITDA, Kashifu Inuwa Abdullahi, emphasised leveraging on technology to enhance productivity and digital skills.

He said, “We have set up the team working with your team to explore how you can infuse technology into the NYSC process, experiment emerging technologies like blockchain to secure NYSC certificates and build digital skills capacity among Corp Members. Today we are here on the bigger mission.”

Inuwa cited global research which predicted 85 million talent deficits by 2030, which could result in a loss of 8.5 trillion US dollars in annual value if unaddressed.

According to him, this initiative will not only enhance employability but also drive innovation and economic growth in Nigeria.

“We developed the National Digital Literacy Framework with an ambitious target of achieving 95% digital literacy by 2030, with a mid-term target of 70% by 2027.

“The framework promotes universal access to digital literacy, skills development at various proficiency levels, and workforce readiness for future digital demands,” he added.

Inuwa further detailed the implementation plan, which includes training Corp Members during their service year and using them as digital literacy ambassadors across Nigeria.

“Our target is how can we leverage your platform to deepen that digital literacy. The initiative will involve onboarding Corp Members on digital platforms, providing continuous learning opportunities, and selecting ambassadors to teach digital skills in their communities.

“We need to build a tailor-made solution that will address our challenges, harness indigenous talents to promote digital solutions, and this requires the collective efforts of the government, private sectors, and all stakeholders,” he added.

On his part, the Minister of State for Youth, Ayodele Olawande Wisdom, commended the collaboration, while emphasising unity of purpose in achieving shared goals.

He said, “I appreciate this collaboration because I believe we are one family and we are working towards the same goal. I also believe that if there is anything we can give, it is our commitment. Regardless of where you come from, as long as, at the end of the day, the Nigerian youth are in a better position from where they are coming from, that is what is important”

The Minister acknowledged the dedication of all involved and expressed gratitude towards the NYSC’s leadership, commitment and availability to the cause.

The Director General of NYSC, Brig Gen YD Ahmed, in his response, expressed enthusiasm for the initiative and NYSC’s readiness to fully engage.

He said, “This process for us in NYSC is a very good one, and there is no any iota of doubt we are going to fully collaborate with NITDA to grab the process,” he assured.

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Google’s AI-powered NotebookLM goes global with Slides support & better ways to fact-check



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Last summer, we introduced NotebookLM, an AI-powered research and writing assistant. Today, we’re excited to share that we’re bringing an upgraded version of NotebookLM — now using Gemini 1.5 Pro — to over 200 countries and territories around the world.

Our goal from the beginning with NotebookLM has been to create a tool to help you understand and explore complex material, make new connections from information, and get to your first draft faster. You can upload sources — your research notes, interview transcripts, corporate documents — and instantly NotebookLM becomes an expert in the material that matters most to you. Today’s upgrade introduces several new features:

  • NotebookLM now supports Google Slides and web URLs as sources, along with Google Docs, PDFs and text files.
  • Inline citations now take you directly to supporting passages in your sources, so you can easily fact-check the AI response or dive deeper in the original text.
  • Notebook guide gives you a high-level understanding of your sources by converting them into useful formats like FAQs, Briefing Docs or Study Guides.

Thanks to Gemini 1.5 Pro’s native multimodal capabilities, you can now ask questions about images, charts and diagrams in your sources. NotebookLM will even include citations to images as supporting evidence when relevant.

an image of a draft script for an episode of a program on the moon landing with suggested images, including a picture of the earth from the moon

With Gemini 1.5 Pro’s native multimodal capabilities, NotebookLM can now understand and cite your questions about images, charts and diagrams in your sources.

Case studies from real users

We’ve been amazed by the range of uses that people are finding for NotebookLM. Because the product was developed in close partnership with authors, students and educators, we’ve seen many early adopters integrate it into research and writing workflows. Best-selling author Walter Isaacson has been working with NotebookLM to analyze Marie Curie’s journals for research on his next book. We’ve seen similar enthusiasm from documentary and podcast researchers who need to sift through complex archives to generate scripts or story ideas. But the combination of Gemini 1.5 Pro’s advanced reasoning abilities and NotebookLM’s source-grounding architecture has unlocked many other potential applications:

  • In local governance, Palm Bay resident Thomas Gaume created a hyperlocal newsletter, aggregating city ordinances, land use data, zoning codes and council meeting minutes. NotebookLM empowered him to be a “one-person newsroom and publisher.”
  • NotebookLM’s ability to summarize and adapt interview transcripts is helping users identify patterns and themes in raw transcripts, saving hours of manual analysis. For example, consultant Victor Adefuye uses NotebookLM to analyze sales call transcripts for targeted training and coaching.
  • Nonprofits have deployed NotebookLM to help them identify needs in underserved communities and organize information for grant proposals.

We’ve also noticed some unexpected and playful use cases with the help of our 14,000 member Discord community, including novelists and fan-fiction authors managing complex storylines using NotebookLM, and our favorite: role-playing game enthusiasts consulting detailed descriptions of fantasy worlds for games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Getting started

If you’re new to NotebookLM, getting started is easy: When you first access NotebookLM, you’ll create a notebook and upload documents for a specific project or deliverable. At that point you can read, take notes, ask questions, organize your ideas, or ask NotebookLM to create automatic overviews of all your sources — a study guide, for example, or a table of contents. And with NotebookLM, the sources you upload are not used to train the model.

Whether it’s being used to build imaginary worlds, write bestselling biographies, or help salespeople find new customers, NotebookLM has given U.S. users powerful tools for making connections and generating insights out of large collections of documents. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the world does with it.

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MTN Nigeria Begins 30 Days of Y’ello Care



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MTN Nigeria, Leading ICT company has announced the 17th edition of its flagship employee volunteer initiative, Y’ello Care, where MTNers have the unique opportunity to contribute their resources – time, money and more – towards worthy causes.

L-R Babalola Oyeleye, Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, MTN Nigeria; Oby Ugboma, Chief Risk & Compliance Officer, MTN Nigeria; Tobe Okigbo, Chief Corporate Services & Sustainability Officer, MTN Nigeria; Ugonwa Nwoye, Chief Customer Relations Officer, MTN Nigeria; Onyinye Ikenna-Emeka, Chief Broadband Officer, MTN Nigeria and Mohammed Rufai, Chief Technical Officer, MTN Nigeria, during the ‘30 Days of Y’ello Care’ opening ceremony, held at the MTN Rooftop, Ikoyi, Lagos.

Themed “Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow”, this year’s edition, which will be for 30 days in commemoration of the 30th anniversary of MTN Group, aims to address educational disparities in underserved rural and remote communities.

“Y’ello Care is about the MTN ecosystem giving back and contributing their time, money, and resources to make a positive impact. This year, we’re focusing on education in remote areas, supporting three projects that will provide access to quality education for young Nigerians,” said Tobe Okigbo, Chief Corporate Services & Sustainability Officer, MTN Nigeria.

During the opening ceremony, which held at the headquarters, MTN revealed that in 30 days, MTN staff will come together using their resources to rebuild classroom for 996 students at Iwerekun Community High School, Lakowe, Lagos. “Our first key project is a school. We’ve visited the school; we’ll rebuild a classroom ourselves as MTN staff and we will support two other projects. Our target is towards providing education for the youth of this country,” Okigbo added. This effort seeks to bridge the educational divide and empower young people to reach their full potential.

In addition, MTNers will be supporting the KNOSK Charity Education Initiative (Study Better Packs) and the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC)’s Safe School Initiative spearheaded by the National Safe School Response Coordination Centre.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world,” Nelson Mandela famously said. MTN Nigeria firmly believes in this transformative power and is committed to providing access to quality education for all, regardless of location or circumstance.

“The company recognizes that education is not just about textbooks and classrooms; it’s about unlocking potential, nurturing dreams, and empowering individuals to shape their own futures.

This commitment is particularly crucial in Africa, where educational disparities continue to hinder progress. According to UNESCO, over one-fifth of children aged 6 to 11 in sub-Saharan Africa are out of school, representing the highest rate of educational exclusion globally.

This crisis is further compounded by challenges such as inadequate infrastructure, limited access to learning materials, and a shortage of qualified teachers. In Nigeria, the situation mirrors these broader trends, with a significant portion of children in rural and remote areas facing similar obstacles to quality education.

The 30-day project, which kicked off on June 1, will unite thousands of MTN employees in a shared mission to make a lasting impact on educational access and quality.

MTN Nigeria remains committed to creating value through initiatives that seek to provide sustainable growth and job creation in the communities they serve.




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